Friday, August 6, 2010


Or, to be more precise at this very moment… 30,414. What you ask? That’s how many visitors there have been to The Running Stitch website! Quite the milestone! I have to say a very big thank you to all who visit the online world of The Running Stitch, and of course, to everyone who visits in person to the store. There’s nothing like being appreciated! I am glad that in the time that I’ve owned The Running Stitch that the evolution of the store has been positive and moving forward. There’s a lot of satisfaction in the translation of effort to success. As with any change, there’s always the possibility of things not working out according to plan, and I’m thrilled that is not the case with the store! As always, I’m interested in any feedback that you have. The only constant is change. That being said, visit often! Online and in person. I look forward to celebrating other milestones with you down the road.

ps: in the time that it took me to write this (which really wasn’t very long), the visitor count has jumped to 30,417 :)


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